On studious philosopohy of (higher) education?
Over a decade my reading of Giorgio Agamben’s writings on philosophy in relation to politics, aesthetics, and religion revolved around how notions of infancy, (im)potentiality, becoming, community, rhythmic and kairotic action can guide an understanding of higher education. Although Agamben has not written specifically about education the above concepts can be recognised as significant to a theory of higher education particularly because his ideas invariably radicalise any understanding of higher education. Such a radicalisation of higher education involves thinking anew about higher education that remains unfinished or what Igor Jasinki (2018) refers to as “education without ends”. In this article, I offer a way of how to think differently about a philosophy of higher education concerning the notion of “education without ends” and in reference to Agamben’s (1985) idea of studious play.
Agamben, G. 1985. Idea of prose. Translated by M. Sullivan and S. Whitsitt. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Agamben, G. 1993. The coming community. Translated by M. Hardt. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Agamben, G. 2007. Profanation. Translated by J. Fort. New York: Zone Books.
Davids, N. and Y. Waghid. 2019. Universities, pedagogical encounters and openness: Reconsidering democratic education. Lexington Publishers with Nuraan Davids.
Jasinski, I. 2018. Giorgo Agamben: Education without ends. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Waghid, Y. 2019. Towards a philosophy of caring in higher education: Pedagogy and nuances of care. New York and London: Palgrave-MacMillan.
Waghid, Y. (ed.). 2022. Towards an ubuntu university: African higher education reimagined. London and New York: Palgrave-MacMillan.
Waghid, Y., F. Waghid, and Z. Waghid. 2018. Rupturing African philosophy of teaching and learning. New York & London: Palgrave-MacMillan.
Waghid, Y., J. Terblanche, F. Waghid, and Z. Waghid. 2021. Higher teaching and learning for alternative Futures: A renewed focus on critical praxis. London and New York: Palgrave-MacMillan.
Waghid, Y. and N. Davids. 2020. The thinking university expanded: On profanation, play and education. London: Routledge.
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