On the unintended consequences of online teaching: A response
This article is a response to claims that online education is a pedagogical risk for teaching-learning. Of course, notions of privacy, authenticity, and ownership are real challenges to higher education but these complexities do not have to subvert engaged teaching-learning at higher education institutions. I offer a brief response as to why teaching-learning as a deliberative encounter does not have to be sacrificed with-in online education.
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Waghid, Y. 2019. Towards a philosophy of caring in higher education: Pedagogy and nuances of care. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan.
Waghid, Y., F. Waghid, J. Terblanche, and Z. Waghid. 2021. Higher teaching and learning for alternative futures: A renewed focus on critical praxis. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan.
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