Being first year B.Ed. Foundation phase student teachers at a university: Wrestling apprehension in and through a chosen career
This paper sought to understand the anxieties and challenges of Foundation Phase student teachers during their teacher training programmes and ask the following question: What are the student teachers’ anxieties and challenges with regard to their chosen career path in the years ahead? In this paper, researchers argue that the vast number of students suffer from anxiety better known to themselves. The paper argues that the diverse nature of anxieties experienced by student teachers had varied adverse consequences and might lead to dropping out of the programme or simply leading a miserable career life. Qqualitative exploratory design was utilised in which a purposive sampling procedure was adopted in selecting three hundred and eighty-three (383) respondents doing Foundation Phase Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme from three (3) universities. The most identified causes of student anxiety revolve around finances, self-esteem, career identities and choices conundrum. This paper would not necessary provide all the answers but seeks to provide deeper understanding of the anxieties experienced by student teachers and provide credible empirical findings. The researchers recommend that this study be conducted in other universities across South AfricaDownloads
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