Assessing the value of action research: Using a world café to explore the professional journey of nurse educators

  • A. van Wyngaarden University of Pretoria
  • R. Leech University of Pretoria
  • I.M. Coetzee University of Pretoria


Nurse educators play a crucial role in the development of student nurses’ clinical reasoning skills. To promote clinical reasoning skills, nurse educators should identify and implement appropriate student-centred teaching practices. We used the World Café data collection method to explore nurse educator’s professional journey through action research. We describe how action research, participating in the study and collaborative inquiry changed teaching practices. Action research contributed to nurse educators’ professional development, allowing them to reflect on own practices and develop critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. Nurse educators reported using more student-centred teaching and learning practices. We describe the World Café method, which we used to collect data. The method can also be used in nursing education as a teaching strategy, students can explore various topics of interest whilst developing competencies in communication, building relationships and collaborative learning.


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Author Biographies

A. van Wyngaarden, University of Pretoria

South African Military Health Service Nursing College

Dr Angeline van Wyngaarden

Head of Department Quality Assurance

R. Leech, University of Pretoria

University of Pretoria

Faculty of Health Sciences

Senior Lecturer

Dr Ronell Leech

I.M. Coetzee, University of Pretoria

University of Pretoria

Faculty of Health Sciences

Associated Professor

Prof Isabel Coetzee


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How to Cite
van Wyngaarden, A., R. Leech, and I.M. Coetzee. 2018. “Assessing the Value of Action Research: Using a World Café to Explore the Professional Journey of Nurse Educators”. South African Journal of Higher Education 32 (6), 519-31.