Why a contextual approach to professioal development?

  • B.L. Leibowitz University of Johannesburg
  • J. Vorster Rhodes University
  • C. Ndebele North West University


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Author Biographies

B.L. Leibowitz, University of Johannesburg
Chair: Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg
J. Vorster, Rhodes University
Senior Lecturer, CHERTL
C. Ndebele, North West University
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
How to Cite
Leibowitz, B.L., J. Vorster, and C. Ndebele. 2016. “Why a Contextual Approach to Professioal Development?”. South African Journal of Higher Education 30 (6), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.20853/30-6-714.
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