The administration of the doctoral examination at South African higher education institutions

  • S. Schulze UNISA
  • E.M. Lemmer Unisa


The doctorate is the apex of all qualifications in universities worldwide and in South Africa. The expected outcome of the doctorate is original research, presented as a thesis. The thesis should demonstrate a student’s ability to do high-level research and contribute meaningfully to a discipline. Thesis assessment is through the submission of written examiner reports by examiners external to the university. However, the literature indicates limitations in thesis examination. A qualitative study was undertaken at six South African universities to gather data from a purposeful sample of expert informants and relevant documents. Wenger and Lave’s (1991) Community of Practice theory informed the inquiry. The findings indicated challenges in appointing examiners; vague criteria for ancillary requirements to the thesis; and discrepancies in the quality of examiner reports and examiner recommendations, which delay graduation.  Recommendations were made for a more transparent examination process and supervisor training in the examination process.


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Author Biographies

S. Schulze, UNISA

Psychology of Education


E.M. Lemmer, Unisa

Department of Educational Foundations



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How to Cite
Schulze, S., and E.M. Lemmer. 2019. “The Administration of the Doctoral Examination at South African Higher Education Institutions”. South African Journal of Higher Education 33 (2), 180-94.
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