Framework for a learning management system at a university of technology with a weak information technology maturity system

  • P.C. Machika Vaal University of Technology
  • F. Dolley VUT


In the past, adoption of the learning management system (LMS) has been voluntary with a limited amount of training at the micro level within a particular university of technology.  From discussions with academic staff it emerged that across the entire institution approximately 10-15% of academic staff used a particular LMS with only about 5% actively engaged. As the particular university progresses its broader plans for teaching and learning enhanced by technology, the LMS will become increasingly important as a tool to help realise the university’s goals. The aim of the article is to gain a clear understanding of the potential barriers and obstacles encountered when implementing an LMS at a macro and meso level where the information technology system is weak. The article includes a discussion on a framework in support of the development of the LMS at a macro and meso level within a university of technology.


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Author Biography

P.C. Machika, Vaal University of Technology
Executive Director: Centre for Academic Development


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How to Cite
Machika, P.C., and F. Dolley. 2018. “Framework for a Learning Management System at a University of Technology With a Weak Information Technology Maturity System”. South African Journal of Higher Education 32 (2), 176-91.
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