Editor's note

Keywords: academic literacies, multilingualism, higher education, english language teaching, corpora


It is my pleasure to present the third publication of the Journal for Language Teaching since its move to Open Access at the beginning of 2022.  The journal has continued to receive submissions focusing on a myriad of topics mainly on academic literacies and multilingualism in higher education in South Africa. This issue also includes an article wherein corpus tools were used to investigate the use of phrasal verbs by under-graduate students in writing.


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Author Biography

Kabelo Sebolai, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Dr Kabelo Sebolai is the Institutional Language Coordinator and Head of the Language Unit at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.  His professional background is Applied Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).  His research interest revolves mainly around language assessment and its relationship with academic performance.

How to Cite
Sebolai, K. (2023). Editor’s note. Journal for Language Teaching , 57(1), i-ii. https://doi.org/10.56285/jltVol57iss1a5967