A path unenvisaged to a destination unintended: A collaborative autoethnographic account of becoming a community of practice in an HEI

  • L. Excell University of the Witwatersrand
  • K. Dixon Wits University
  • V. Linington WSoE
  • C. Mathews WSoE


In this paper we explore how a disparate group of predominately foundation phase teacher educators unintentionally, over a period of time, came together to form a strong community of practice (CoP). Voluntary involvement in a research project positioned this group of lecturers in unaccustomed roles and necessitated that they engage with each other in a variety of ways to meet project outcomes. New relationships developed as people took on different roles and new responsibilities emerged as the group faced challenges. As this was a subjective interrogation of our experiences, a research method such as autoethnography where we could focus on the experience and processes of becoming a CoP, rather than the outcomes of the research itself, seemed appropriate. We outline our understandings of a CoP and show how, through a critical self-reflective process, we were able to strengthen both our teaching and research practices in a Higher Education Institution (HEI). The strengthening occurred, in part, due to the formation and development of this CoP.


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Author Biographies

L. Excell, University of the Witwatersrand

Wits School of Education

Foundation Studies

K. Dixon, Wits University

Foundation Studies Division

V. Linington, WSoE
Foundation Studies
C. Mathews, WSoE

Educational Studies

How to Cite
Excell, L., K. Dixon, V. Linington, and C. Mathews. 2016. “A Path Unenvisaged to a Destination Unintended: A Collaborative Autoethnographic Account of Becoming a Community of Practice in an HEI”. South African Journal of Higher Education 30 (5), 68-83. https://doi.org/10.20853/30-5-622.
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