University Students, Academic Structures and the Processes of Integration

  • B. O. Ige University of Cape Town
  • K. L. Naidoo University of KwaZulu-Natal
Keywords: Deconstructing Belonging Opportunities Barriers Transformation Multiple Identities Multiple Belongings


This special issue on Finding a Place to Belong: University Students, Academic Structures and the Processes of Integration contains nine papers on opportunities of belonging and highlights the cultivation of belonging as a fundamental for addressing inequality and inequity in a linguistically and culturally diverse higher education context. Here, belonging challenges the dominant university ideology, which can elude the marginalised or underserved student and staff groups of learning communities. The combination of individual/group agency and identity negotiation for developing and implementing enablers of belonging reveals the challenges and complexity of deconstructing belonging. The papers focus on the barriers and opportunities of belonging and the interaction of agency and enablers of belonging, such as equitable vision, policy, programmes and commitment, as a product of belonging.

Author Biographies

B. O. Ige, University of Cape Town

Department of Health Science Education, senior lecturer.

Sociolinguist with expertise in learning development. She received her BA(Hons) General Linguistics , MA Sociolinguistics and her PhD in Sociolinguistics in 2008. After graduating, she was Academic Development Programme convener for School of Audiology, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy.  She has made contributions on a variety of subjects spanning models of extended curriculum programme, student identity, intercultural communication, language and education, gender, mentoring, and inclusive teaching and learning practices. She is a senior member of the Department of Health Sciences Education.

K. L. Naidoo, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Department of Paediatrics and Child Health

Paediatrician in Durban and works in the Department of Paediatrics and Child health at University of KwaZulu-Natal. He received his FC Paeds from the College of Medicine of SA in 1998 and his PhD in medical education. He is involved with research related to paediatric HIV and involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and training of newly qualified medical interns. He is a SAFRI (South Africa Faimmer Regional Institute) graduate and holds a postgraduate diploma in Health professions education and is involved in research in health profession education particularly postgraduate medical education, work based learning and mentorship. Currently he is academic leader of registrars in School of Clinical Medicine.


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How to Cite
Ige, B. O., and K. L. Naidoo. 2022. “University Students, Academic Structures and the Processes of Integration”. South African Journal of Higher Education 36 (6), 1-10.
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