Decolonising the postgraduate diploma in higher education curriculum at one university of technology in South Africa


The aim of this theoretical article is to explain efforts at decolonising the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE) curriculum at a university of technology (UoT) in South Africa. The main source of information was collected through relevant secondary data. The cost of continuing with Western knowledge organisation in the PGDHE programme destroys and undervalues African intellectualism, culture and literature, while imposing colonial language through prescribed texts. We argue that a clear understanding of decolonisation of the curriculum is necessary, to avoid the risk of implementing changes that will result in superficial alterations, rather than an inclusive curriculum that accentuates African intellectualism. The article recommends that a discourse around decolonisation should be sustained at all levels of the institution in re-thinking and re-evaluating the modules offered in the PGDHE programme to ensure they become more inclusive.


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Author Biographies

R.S. Lebelo, Vaal University of Technology

Education Department

K.C. Moloi, Madina Institute SA


Islamic Studies Department

C.C. Chitumwa, Vaal University of Technology

Acting HOD

Education Department


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How to Cite
Lebelo, R.S., K.C. Moloi, and C.C. Chitumwa. 2021. “Decolonising the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Curriculum at One University of Technology in South Africa”. South African Journal of Higher Education 35 (1), 82-95.
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