Resource scarcity and information technology: Issues and trends among first-year accounting students

  • Elmarie Papageorgiou University of the Witwatersrand
  • Chris Callaghan University of the Witwatersrand


Technology is never enough; there will always be the demand for more to manage the present and to gear up for the future. Consequently, engaging in a deliberate search for knowledge is critical to higher education. Institutions encourage the study of the learning environment and ensure that the appropriate management strategies are in place to educate students. In a changing academic environment computer facilities at universities are one of the key drivers. The main aim of this paper was to investigate the use of computer facilities among first-year accounting students. Data was collected over a period of three years (2010, 2011 and 2012). The results of the study revealed the demographics of Accounting I students and their academic performance, use of computer facilities, knowledge of different software packages and other valuable information regarding computer facilities. The study concludes that the use of and exposure to computer facilities influence the academic performance of first-year accounting students. Key Words Accounting students, academic performance, computer facilities, information technology, resource scarcity, university


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How to Cite
Papageorgiou, Elmarie, and Chris Callaghan. 2016. “Resource Scarcity and Information Technology: Issues and Trends Among First-Year Accounting Students”. South African Journal of Higher Education 28 (5).
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