The career meaning making of a single high school learner living with a sibling with a learning disorder – A Systems Theory Framework for career development

  • Dinah Alexander University of the Witwatersrand
  • Nontobeko G Dlamini


This article explored the career meaning making of the participant and the perceived impact on his career trajectory caused by his living with a sibling with a learning disorder. The meaning making of this participant confirms previous research findings, namely that living with a sibling with a learning disorder propels the non-disabled sibling towards making certain holistic adjustments. In particular these adjustments have career-related implications as highlighted by the themes of responsibility towards the sibling, pressure to become independent and meaning making in a spiritual way. A qualitative, single case study approach was utilised. A postmodern approach towards career development within the framework of the Systems Theory was applied to explicate the career assessment and counselling of the participant living with a sibling with a learning disorder.


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How to Cite
Alexander, Dinah, and Nontobeko G Dlamini. 2016. “The Career Meaning Making of a Single High School Learner Living With a Sibling With a Learning Disorder – A Systems Theory Framework for Career Development”. South African Journal of Higher Education 26 (4).
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