Developing an experiential research writing course

  • P J Castle Wits University
  • M Keane CEPD


In 2009 we developed an experiential Research writing course to help academics at our university to become more productive and succeful writers. Our aim was to create a stimulating environment in which each participant's voice, knowledge and experience was valued, and where learning was characterised by optimism, creatiivity and energy. In this paper we describe the context which gave rise to the Research Writing course, and the theories of lerning and teaching which informed course design and development. We also discuss the variations which are inevitable when learning is experiential, and dependent, in part, on group composition and dynamics. Is it possible to design a course for a diverse group of academics from different disciplines, at different levels of seniority and with different first languages? To answer this question we describe three cycles of action research, and reflect critically on our experience of presenting the course.


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How to Cite
Castle, P J, and M Keane. 2016. “Developing an Experiential Research Writing Course”. South African Journal of Higher Education 26 (3).
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