In search of graduate attributes: A survey of six flagship programmes


The focus of this study is the emergence of distinctive graduate attributes in flagship programmes at Universities of Technology in South Africa. The theoretical framework chosen for this study, Legitimation Code Theory (Maton 2014), offers an explanation of the underlying knowledge principles that make different kinds of thinking, doing and being possible. This paper studies how favourable graduate attributes were achieved, identifies similarities across underpinning structures, and highlights the challenges faced by universities of technology in creating environments in which desired graduate attributes might be developed. The paper offers a means of understanding the potential for the emergence of graduate attributes across undergraduate programmes in vocational and professional higher education contexts.


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Author Biographies

C. Winberg, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Professor and South African Research Chair (Work-integrated Learning)

Faculty of Education

Cape Peninsula University of Technology


A. Staak, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
DVC: Teaching and Learning
M. Bester, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Head of Department: Curriculum Development Unit, Fundani Centre for Higher Education Development.
S. Sabata, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Lecturer, Department of Curriculum Development, Fundani Centre for Higher Education Development
D. Scholtz, Central University of Technology

Teaching and Learning Coordinator: Faculty of Business and 


R. Sebolao, Central University of Technology
Senior Lecturer: Academic Development And Support
M. Monnapula-Mapesela, Central University of Technology
Dean and Professor:Academic Development And Support
N. Ronald, Durban University of Technology
Quality Systems Developer,
M. Makua, Mangosuthu University of Technology
Senior Director, Teaching and Learning Development Centre
J. Snyman, Tshwane University of Technology
Curriculum Development Practitioner, Higher Education Development and Support.
P. Machika, Vaal University of Technology
Executive Director, Centre for Academic Development


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How to Cite
Winberg, C., A. Staak, M. Bester, S. Sabata, D. Scholtz, R. Sebolao, M. Monnapula-Mapesela, N. Ronald, M. Makua, J. Snyman, and P. Machika. 2018. “In Search of Graduate Attributes: A Survey of Six Flagship Programmes”. South African Journal of Higher Education 32 (1), 233-51.
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