A process model recognising prior learning of informal sector motor mechanics

  • C.J. Jordaan Tshwane University of Technology
  • A. Bezuidenhout UNISA
  • C. Schultz TUT


The informal sector serves as a reservoir of skilled unqualified individuals who learned and practice the motor mechanic trade outside the formal sector. This article reports on a process model for recognition of prior learning of informal sector motor mechanics and to integrate them into the formal sector training and ultimately employment. Formal sector motor mechanic training does not acknowledge non-formal learning of the informal sector.The process model identifies specific entry points into the formal sector training.The study was exploratory in nature with a qualitative research design applied. Semi-structured interviews through a purposive snowball sample technique were used. The data were analysed utilising the ATLAS.ti 7.0 program. The findings conceptualises a process model, backed by a process of gap training, to recognise the prior learning of the informal sector motor mechanic. This research could engage SETAs in the funding of training of informal practising motor mechanics


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Author Biography

C.J. Jordaan, Tshwane University of Technology

Department People Management and Development



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How to Cite
Jordaan, C.J., A. Bezuidenhout, and C. Schultz. 2018. “A Process Model Recognising Prior Learning of Informal Sector Motor Mechanics”. South African Journal of Higher Education 32 (2), 143-56. https://doi.org/10.20853/32-2-1318.
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