Feeling some typ'a way: A young Black woman's experience of education in South Africa

  • N. Shabalala Stellenbosch University


This article aims to contribute to conversations about Black subjectivity by engaging with the reflections of a young, Black, female student at Stellenbosch University. An auto-ethnographic approach is used to demonstrate the complexity of inhabiting multiple intersecting identities. I also explore the internal battles that I have faced and how I constantly negotiate my Blackness. The narrative shows a journey through education while highlighting socio-economic and emotional factors that may contribute to how education is experienced in South Africa.

Author Biography

N. Shabalala, Stellenbosch University
Department of Psychology, Stellenbosch University. PhD Candidate


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How to Cite
Shabalala, N. 2020. “Feeling Some typ’a Way: A Young Black woman’s Experience of Education in South Africa”. South African Journal of Higher Education 32 (4), 215-28. https://doi.org/10.20853/32-4-2067.
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