The Influence of Water and Gas Exchange Parameters on Grafted Grapevines Under Conditions of Moisture Stress

  • J. Satisha Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore-560 089, Karnataka, India
  • G.S. Prakash Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore-560 089, Karnataka, India


Among the four grape varieties that were subjected to moisture stress, Flame Seedless and Thompson Seedless
recorded the highest relative water content, osmotic potential and water potential compared to Sharad Seedless and
Tas-A-Ganesh. Similarly, Flame Seedless and Thompson Seedless recorded the maximum rate of photosynthesis,
the minimum transpiration rate, and thus increased water-use efficiency. Sharad Seedless on its own root had the
lowest water-use efficiency. Budding the respective four varieties on different rootstocks and subjecting them to
moisture stress resulted in significant differences in various physiological parameters that influence water-use efficiency.
When Sharad Seedless was budded on Dog Ridge rootstock and subjected to moisture stress, it resulted in
increased water potential, osmotic potential and water use efficiency compared to other rootstocks. This suggests
that rootstocks have an influence on the physiological mechanisms of scion leaves. Hence, the genotypic selection of
rootstocks for establishing vineyards under drought conditions is of great importance


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