About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture (SAJEV) publishes full-length original Research papers, Research Notes, and Review Papers on all subjects related to Enology and Viticulture, including table grapes, dried grapes, and unfermented grape products. Papers on the following topics may also be submitted: The physiology of vine, berry, and soil, plant interactions, the impact of climate change on enology and viticulture, genetic studies on grapevines and berries, plant protection, management of fungal infections and insects, methods applied to ensure environmental sustainability of vineyards, the implementation of viticultural techniques and smart farming practices, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in farming and winemaking, grape and wine chemistry, all aspects of Microbiology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Biochemistry related to vines and berries, winemaking practices, process engineering, the distillation of wine, novel production concepts, alternatives to traditional winemaking, analytical methods, sensory analyses, marketing and economy related to topics covered in SAJEV.
SAJEV does not accept articles published in, or submitted to, other journals. Papers written using AI software will NOT be accepted.
Authorship of papers in the SAJEV is not limited to members of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture (SASEV). The Editor, in conjunction with members of the Editorial Board, will determine the acceptability of papers. All full-length research manuscripts, including research notes, must be original research, neither simultaneously under consideration for submission nor previously published elsewhere. Supplementary files will be accepted.
A review paper is an authoritative, well-interpreted, and critical account of recent and current research or technology in a specialized field. These aspects will be critically judged by the Editorial Board to determine the suitability for publication. Authors are encouraged to submit review papers.
Research notes are classified as brief reports on preliminary, provisional or interim results of new research or brief reports on new technology or methods, which can be used in research on enology and/or viticulture.
Peer Review Process
Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers. Authors are encouraged to list three to five reviewers in their letter to the Editor when they submit their manuscript. Changes proposed by the reviewers will be forwarded to the author(s), but the Editor reserves the right to edit any manuscript for style. Revised manuscripts must be uploaded directly onto the SAJEV submission platform (http://www.journals.ac.za/index.php/sajev) within two or three weeks. Authors need to highlight all changes made in the revised document and answer queries received from the reviewers in a separate letter to the Editor. The rebuttal letter must be uploaded together with the revised manuscript onto the SAJEV submission platform (http://www.journals.ac.za/index.php/sajev). Page proofs will be sent as a PDF file to the corresponding author. Queries or comments are highlighted on the page proofs, which need to be answered and e-mailed directly to the Editor (LMTD@sun.ac.za) within 48 hours. Authors are not allowed to make changes to the text of the page proofs. All changes required must be made by inserting a note using the “new comment” option in MS Word. Failure to do so may delay the publication process. Once all corrections have been made on the page proofs to the satisfaction of the Editor, and the page fees have been paid, the manuscript receives a DOI (digital object identifier) number. At this stage of the publication process a DOI number, volume number, year of publication, and page numbers will appear on the manuscript. As from 2024, manuscripts will only be available online in electronic format and can be downloaded (free of charge) from either the SASEV website (http://www.sasev.org) or directly from the SAJEV submission platform (http:// www.journals.ac.za/index.php/sajev).
Publication Frequency
Articles accepted are published with a DOI number after page fees have been paid.
The South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture is the official publication of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture.
Open Access Policy
South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture is an Open Access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, as underwritten by the license CC BY NC ND 4.0, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. See also our Copyright Notes.
Author Fees
PAGE CHARGES: R4500 (four thousand five hundred ZA Rand) per manuscript, irrespective of whether the manuscript is a short note or full-length research paper. The maximum length of a research paper is limited to ten (10) printed journal pages, including references, tables, and figures. A research note is usually not longer than three (3) printed journal pages. The following may be used as a guide: Five (5) Microsoft Word pages (approximately 1200 words, printed in double space, font 12, 2.5 cm margins, and without figures or tables) correspond to two (2) printed journal pages. For manuscripts exceeding the 10-page limit, an additional page fee of R500 per page will be charged. Tables and figures will be printed in colour on request but at an additional cost of R600 each. Review papers have no strict page limit, but are usually less than twenty (20) printed journal pages and authors are kindly requested to adhere to this.
Review papers are encouraged and page charges is set at a fixed R5000 per manuscript. However, colour images, tables, and figures will be levied at an additional R600 each. Page charges are due when the manuscript has been accepted for publication.
Payment has to be made before page proofs are sent to the corresponding author and before a DOI number is allocated to the manuscript. All manuscripts are published online and will be available on the SUNJournals website (http://www.journals.ac.za/index.php/sajev).
Papers that have been accepted for publication, but with outstanding payment of page charges will not be published online.
Digital Preservation
South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture - SAJEV. This journal is in the process of migrating from the Stellenbosch University preservation platform to the PKP PN (Preservation Network) platform.
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The primary interest is to build a strong and healthy South African wine industry through co-operative (participative) R&D initiatives.
SOUTH AFRICA WINE (www.sawine.co.za)
Journal History
SASEV was founded in 1977. A Board of 14 members from various companies in our industry administers our society. Our office is at Nietvoorbij Research Centre, Stellenbosch.
To serve as a forum for presenting the latest scientific information to all South African wine and grape producers to improve the quality of South African wines and related products, and to make this technology available internationally.
Published bi-annually since 1980 and annually (one edition) since 2024. Containing both national and international research in review papers, scientific papers and research notes.
Annually or bi-annually presented - including scientific sessions, panel discussion or workshops, wine tasting, and formal dinner dance. International conferences are presented bi-annually with keynote speakers from overseas.
Short Courses
Specialized refresher courses in enology and viticulture are regularly held to keep abreast with the most recent developments in our industry. Three table grape short courses are annually presented in our winter and summer rainfall areas.