The response of Monoterpenes to Different Enzyme Preparations in Gewürztraminer (Vitis vinifera L.) Wines
The α-terpineol, linalool, nerol and geraniol, which are the main aromatic monoterpenes in the grapevine varietyGewürztraminer, were determined in the grapes, must and wine after treatment with six different pectolytic enzymes
[Lallzyme-β (‘Lall’); Rohavin VR-C (‘VRX’), Rohapect D5L (‘D5L’), Rohavin MX (‘MX’), Rohapect VRC (‘VRC’),
Endozym cultivar A (‘Cult. A’)], and after treatment with β-glucosidase (βG, EC The concentrations of
monoterpenic compounds were determined by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and GC-MS. The most abundant
monoterpene in the grapes of Gewürztraminer was geraniol (66.7 μg/L), followed by nerol (13.3 μg/L), α-terpineol
(7.8 μg/L) and finally linalool (3.3 μg/L). Gewürztraminer wine from must treated with the Lall enzyme preparation
was the most aromatic, which was also confirmed by chemical and sensory analysis in which the concentrations of
nerol (45.9 μg/L), geraniol (31.8 μg/L), α-terpineol (10.5 μg/L) and linalool (6.1 μg/L) were determined. The wines
produced from must treated chemically with enzymes showed higher concentrations of many of the monoterpene
compounds compared to the control, although the sensorial analysis did not affirm this convincingly.
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