Optimising RAPD-PCR for Screening the Link of RAPD Markers to an Acid-resistant Gene in Oenococcus oeni

  • S. Liu College of Enology, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shannxi Province, 712100, China
  • L. He College of Horticulture, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shannxi Province, 712100, China
  • X. Li College of Enology, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shannxi Province, 712100, China
  • X. Li Western Institute for Food Safety and Security, University of California, Davis, California, 95618, USA


RAPD-PCR conditions were optimised for screening RAPD markers linked to the acid-resistant gene in
Oenococcus oeni. Two (S40, S333) out of 45 random primers were capable of producing stable polymorphism
in O. oeni isolates. Thirty-three acid-resistant isolates and nine acid-sensitive isolates of O. oeni were used
for screening RAPD markers linked to the acid-resistant gene. Specific bands of S40-1400 and S333-650
were amplified in 31 (94%) and 33 (100%) of 33 acid-resistant O. oeni isolates. The optimised RAPD-PCR
method can potentially be used for the fast screening of acid-resistant O. oeni strains.


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