
  • African Journal of Business Ethics

    The aim of the African Journal of Business Ethics (AJoBE) is to contribute to the expansion of business ethics as an academic field in Africa. Towards this end, our main focus is on stories from Africa and about Africa. This focus includes not only the contextual or the material, but also the philosophical. We strongly encourage work that reflects on the activities of businesses in Africa from the perspective of African epistemologies, African ontologies and African axiologies. We focus on Africa for no other reason than that we are infinitely curious about the richness of experience and thought inherent in the diversity of our continent and her people.

    The original publication website is available at

  • African Journal of Nephrology

    The Journal is the official publication of the African Association of Nephrology, the organisation representing the professional interests of African clinicians and researchers in the discipline of nephrology. We welcome submissions on clinical nephrology, related basic sciences, and nephrology education. eISSN 2518-4601.

  • African Population Studies

    African Population Studies is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, commentaries, letters and case studies on topics related to the disciplines represented by the Union for African Population Studies Association. These disciplines include demography, population studies, public health, epidemiology, social statistics, population geography, development studies, economics  and other social sciences that deal with population and development interrelationships that are unique and relevant to  Africa and global audience.

    The original publication website is available at

  • African Public Procurement Law Journal

    The African Public Procurement Law Journal publishes articles and notes reporting original research on public procurement law relevant to Africa as well as book reviews.

    The original publication website is available at

  • Akroterion

    Akroterion welcomes scholarly contributions on all aspects of Greek and Roman civilization. Preference is given to articles that will also appeal to the non-specialist. We particularly encourage submission of articles dealing with the influence and reception of the Classics.

    The original publication website is available at

  • Defence Innovation and Management in Africa (DIMA)

    The Defence Innovation and Management in Africa (DIMA) journal is a scholarly publication that is published twice per year, excluding special issues. DIMA focuses on matters pertaining to innovation and management within the military, defence and security sectors. It provides a platform for sharing research findings and perspectives on current and future developments in these sectors, thus empowering policy-makers, analysts, academics, students and practitioners for their purposes. DIMA promotes inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research through publication of research products from both natural and social sciences.  

    All queries may be directed to the Editor at:

    The original publication website is available at

  • Global Media Journal: African Edition

    Global Media Journal - African Edition publishes works that assess existing media structures and practices, such as global media concentration, globalization of TV genres, global media and consumer culture, the role of media in democratic governance and global justice, propaganda, media reception and cultural practice, commercialization of news, new media technologies, media regulations, regional media, alternative media, and other timely issues.

     This journal cease to publish in 2019 but the archives are available at

  • Journal for Language Teaching

    Since 1980
    The Journal for Language Teaching is the flagship product of the South African Association for Language Teaching (SAALT) | Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Taalonderrig | Mbumbana ya Afrika Tshipembe ya u Gudisa Nyambo.
    The Journal is accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education (DHET).
    We focus on the publication of research in the domains of language teaching, applied linguistics and language practice in multilingual settings.

  • Lexikos

    Lexikos (Greek for "of or for words") is a journal for the lexicographical specialist. It is the only journal in Africa which is exclusively devoted to lexicography.  Articles dealing with all aspects of lexicography or the implications that research in related disciplines such as linguistics, computer and information science, etc. has for lexicography will be considered for publication. Articles dealing with terminology will be also considered, but a lexicographic perspective should be apparent. Articles that do not have a lexicographic focus will not be processed.  Articles may be written in Afrikaans, English, Dutch, German and French.

    The original published website is available at

  • Missionalia: Southern African Journa of Missiology

    Missionalia is the journal of the Southern African Missiological Society (SAMS). The journal has since 2021 only one volume, and as soon as a batch of articles are completed it will be published online. Articles and book reviews published in the journal do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial team, or the Editorial Board, or of SAMS. Manuscripts submitted for publication are assessed by a panel of referees, and the decision to publish is dependent on their reports. As a SAPSE-accredited journal Missionalia publishes research articles that contribute new knowledge to the field of Missiology.

    The original published website is available at


    ORiON is the official journal of the Operations Research Society of South Africa (ORSSA) and is published biannually.

    The orignal publication website is available

  • Per Linguam

    Per Linguam is a peer-reviewed and accredited academic journal published by the University of Stellenbosch and managed by the Department of Curriculum Studies in the Faculty of Education.  The journal focuses on topics related to language learning and applied linguistics, as well as issues related to multilingualism and educational psychology. Per Linguam welcomes previously unpublished articles on topics of interest to teachers, researchers, academics, language practitioners or anyone involved in applied language studies.  Per Linguam accepts articles that are data-driven, using qualitative and quantitative analytical tools. We will also consider conceptual articles if they are based on the analysis of documents (like curricula, policies, etc). Literature surveys or purely argumentative articles will not be considered.

    The original published website is available at

  • PINS-Psychology in Society

    PINS (Psychology in society) is a peer-reviewed journal that was formed in September 1983 as vehicle for a critical and anti-apartheid stance in psychology. PINS continues to foster a socio-historical and critical theory perspective by focusing on psychosocial theory and practice of psychology in South African and international contexts.


  • R&D Journal of The South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering

    The R&D Journal (ISSN 0257-9669 (print until 2008); ISSN 2309-8988 (online)) is a peer reviewed engineering science journal, the first issue of which was published during 1985. The Journal is presently fully accredited as a subsidised research journal with the South African State Department of Higher Education and is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).  In line with international trends to increase the visibility and accessibility of mechanical engineering research, the SAIMechE Council, in consultation with the Editorial Advisory Board, has decided to publish SAIMechE's R&D Journal as an open-access internet edition from 2009 onwards.  

    The original published website is available at

  • SA Heart Journal

    The Journal is the official publication of the South African Heart Association, the organisation representing the professional interests of all cardiologists and cardio-thoracic surgeons in the country.  SA Heart Journal is listed by the Department of Education (DoE) as an Approved journal since January 2009.  It is also one of an elite group of publications recognised by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) as a National Cardiovascular Journal.

  • Scientia Militaria South African Journal of Military Studies

    Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published bi-annually by the Faculty of Military Science of Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Our journal has a long and proud history of researching and publishing on a broad spectrum of matters and issues relating to defence, security and military affairs using a discipline-based and inter-disciplinary research approach. Published articles are of high quality since all submissions are refereed (peer-reviewed) by at least two experts in the field. Refereeing is done with complete anonymity and confidentiality.

    The original published website is available at

  • Scriptura: Journal for Biblical, Theological & Contextual Hermeneutics

    Scriptura is an independent journal which publishes contributions in the fields of Biblical, theological, and contextual hermeneutics, broadly understood. It is international in scope, but special attention is given to topics and issues emerging from or relevant to Southern Africa. Scriptura publishes contributions in English but also in other languages relevant to the Southern African region (such as Afrikaans, Xhosa, Sesotho, Zulu, French and German).

    The original publishd website is available at

  • Social Work/Maaskaplike Werk

    Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk (SWMW) is a professional journal for the social worker. This autonomous, internationally accredited South African open-access, double blind peer-reviewed journal publishes original research, conceptual articles, and book reviews. The Journal's objective is to provide a platform for theoretical discourses on current issues, challenges, innovations, and advancements within the global social work discipline, alongside the implications for practice, particularly in South Africa. The readership of the Journal includes educators, students, researchers, frontline practitioners, managers, and policymakers in social work and related professions worldwide.

    The original published website is available at

  • South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture

    South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture (SAJEV) of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture (SASEV) publishes high-quality research of South African and international scientists in Viticulture, Enology, Wine Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Entomology and Soil Science.  Further information on topics that are covered by SAJEV is listed under the heading "About the Journal: Focus and Scope". 

  • South African Journal of Higher Education

    The South African Journal of Higher Education is an independent, fully accredited (online only) open access publication, and serves as a medium for articles of interest to researchers and practitioners in higher education. The Journal provides a focal point for the publication of educational research from throughout the world including research done by members of prominent education associations in the country, in particular The Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of South African (HELTASA).

  • The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering

    The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering (SAJIE) publishes articles with the emphasis on research, development and application within the fields of Industrial Engineering and Engineering and Technology Management. In this way, it aims to contribute to the further development of these fields of study and to serve as a vehicle for the effective interchange of knowledge, ideas and experience between the research and training oriented institutions and the application oriented industry. Articles on practical applications, original research and meaningful new developments as well as state of the art surveys are encouraged.

    The original published website is available at

  • South African Journal of Libraries & Information Science

    The journal seeks to embrace a wide range of practical and research components, including information and research literacy, information management, children's literature, ethics, globalization, impact of the digital divide, technology, scholarly communication, open scholarship, indigenous knowledge systems, etc. The objective is to serve and reflect the interests of the South Africa LIS community across the spectrum of its wide-ranging activities and research. In addition to formal scholarly articles, the editors will solicit articles on issues of practice and controversial matters as they arise. It is intended to actively encourage young writers, researchers and practitioners to share their experiences and findings so that all aspects of research, teaching, thinking and practice are brought together.

    The original publication website is available at

  • South African Journal of Pre-Hospital Emergency Care

    The South African Journal of Pre-hospital Emergency Care (SAJPEC) is the official journal of the Emergency Care Society of South Africa. It is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to support and inform advances in the science and practice of pre-hospital emergency care with a focus on South Africa. SAJPEC publishes short reports, original research, reviews, case reports, concepts and correspondence relevant to South African pre-hospital emergency care (including inter-hospital transfer care).

    SAJPEC has discontinued publication.

  • South African Statistical Journal

    The journal will publish innovative contributions to the theory and application of statistics. Authoritative review articles on topics of general interest, which are not readily accessible in a coherent form, will be also be considered for publication. Articles of general or nontechnical nature will also be considered provided that the topic is of current interest to the theory, application or teaching of statistics. All papers are refereed.

  • Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics

    Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPiL) is an annual/biannual open access, peer-reviewed international journal, published by the Department of General Linguistics, Stellenbosch University. The papers published in SPiL are intended for scholars with an interest in linguistics and related disciplines. SPiL provides a platform for scholars to share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews.  This journal ceased publication in 2017 but is continued in Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics PLUS.

    The Archives are available at

  • Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus

    SPiL Plus originated as a supplement to Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPiL). The SPiL Plus series has two main aims. Firstly, it serves as a vehicle for the distribution of new and relatively inaccessible information in the field of modern linguistics. Secondly, it aims to stimulate critical discussion in Southern African linguistics.  SPiL Plus is an annual/biannual open access, peer-reviewed international journal, published by the Department of General Linguistics, Stellenbosch University. The papers published in SPiL Plus are primarily intended for scholars with an interest in linguistics and related disciplines in Southern Africa. SPiL Plus provides a platform for scholars to share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews.

    The original published website is available at

  • Trends in Nursing

    Trends in Nursing (TIN) publishes contemporary and relevant research and evidence-based information on the nursing profession. The aim is to make information accessible to scholars, educators, clinical practitioners, nurse managers, and policy makers to advance planning and decision-making in nursing education, research, quality improvement initiatives, nursing regulation, and workforce planning. The articles should provide a description of current developments in nursing in Africa or an overview of global developments in nursing.
    The journal is peer reviewed, published in print form and online since 2012. It is an official publication of the Forum of University Nursing Deans of South Africa (FUNDISA).

    The original publication website is available at

  • Ukumela: The South African Journal of Legal Reasoning, Writing and Education

    Ukumela: The South African Journal of Legal Reasoning, Writing and Education (“Ukumela”) was established in 2017 as the first, peer-reviewed, open-access journal of its kind in South Africa. Ukumela seeks to provide a forum and showcase for the developing discipline of legal writing, publishing scholarly articles about the theory, substance, and pedagogy of legal writing. It aims to consider a myriad of themes relating to the status, achievements of and challenges facing legal education in South Africa in the present, post-colonial, post-apartheid, constitutionally democratic dispensation.