Estimating the Gini index for heavy-tailed income distributions

  • Amina Bari The Center University of Tindouf, Tindouf, Algeria
  • Abdelaziz Rassoul National Higher School of Hydraulics, Blida, Algeria
  • Hamid Ould Rouis University of Blida 1, LRDSI Laboratory, Blida, Algeria
Keywords: Extreme quantile, Gini index, Heavy-tailed incomes, Income inequality


In the present paper, we define and study one of the most popular indices which measures the inequality of capital incomes, known as the Gini index. We construct a semiparametric estimator for the Gini index in case of heavy-tailed income distributions and we establish its asymptotic distribution and derive bounds of confidence. We explore the performance of the confidence bounds in a simulation study and draw conclusions about capital incomes in some income distributions.


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