Mulling over Manganyi’s mind: Lessons for rethinking black subjectivity in the decolonial moment

  • Garth Stevens University of the Witwatersrand
Keywords: rethinking black subjectivity, decolonialism, black subjectivity


The publication of Chabani Manganyi’s (2016) intellectual autobiography, Apartheid and the making of a black psychologist, has once more stimulated a critical engagement with his oeuvre. Whilst there are multiple potential readings of this recent work, I am specifically interested in a selective reading of black subjectivity through this text, especially in the context of the decolonial moment that has come to characterise much of our contemporary politics, and in which black subjectivity itself has become a much debated issue.


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Author Biography

Garth Stevens, University of the Witwatersrand

Department of Psychology
School of Human & Community Development
University of the Witwatersrand

How to Cite
Stevens, G. (2016). Mulling over Manganyi’s mind: Lessons for rethinking black subjectivity in the decolonial moment. PINS-Psychology in Society, 52(1), 90-96.