Double trouble: psychology and psychologization under the spotlight

  • Brendon Barnes University of Johannesburg


De Vos, Jan (2013)

Psychologization and the subject of late modernity.

Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

ISBN 978-0-230-30846-6 hbk.

Pages xi + 189.

Jan de Vos’ starting point in the Psychologization and the subject of late modernity is the gap between being and knowledge. In other words, between how people are as psychological subjects and how they could be as psychologized subjects. He argues, as he has elsewhere, that psychologization is not simply a spillover of psychology into society but that psychology is psychologization. Psychologization is psychology’s paradigm.


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Author Biography

Brendon Barnes, University of Johannesburg

Department of Psychology
University of Johannesburg

How to Cite
Barnes, B. (2017). Double trouble: psychology and psychologization under the spotlight. PINS-Psychology in Society, 54(1), 103-105.