Editorial Team
Chief Editor
Prof Ruchika Meel, University of the Witwatersrand
Editorial Board
Prof Antoinette Cilliers, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, University of the Witwatersrand
Prof Anton Doubell, Stellenbosch University and SUNHEART
Prof Sajidah Khan, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Dr Farouk Mamdoo, University of Witwatersrand
Prof Karen Sliwa, University of Cape Town
Prof Liesl Zühlke, South African Medical Research Council
Prof Peter Zilla, University of Cape Town
Prof Ruchika Meel, University of Witwatersrand
Prof Ashley Chin, Groote Schuur Hospital and UCT Private Academic Hospital
Mr John Lawrenson, Red cross Children’s and Tygerberg Hospital
Prof Elena Libhaber, University of the Witwatersrand
Prof Mamotabo Matshela, JMH City hospital
Dr Keir McCuthcheon, Private cardiology practice, Windhoek, Namibia
Dr Philasande Mkoko, Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital and the University of the Witwatersrand
Dr Arthur K. Mutyaba, Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital
Dr Anupa Patel, Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital and the University of Witwatersrand
Dr Darshan Reddy, Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre
Dr Muhammed Talle, University of MaiduguriSupport Services
SUNJournals, Stellenbosch University, scholar@sun.ac.za